

749 Uppsatser om Equine-assisted therapy - Sida 1 av 50

Hästunderstödd terapi : En kvalitativ studie om professionellas syn på Hästunderstödd terapi

Historically, the horse has in many ways been important to human beings. Today, Equine Assisted Therapy is a form of treatment in which the horse is used as a tool from the treatment of the client. Supported Equine therapy has a therapeutic purpose and may vary depending on the patient's needs and the professionals work competence. Various studies show that animals have a positive impact on people. The aim of our study was to explore how Equine Assisted Therapy is used within the practical fields of social work in Sweden.

Bedömningsmatriser i Idrott och hälsa : En studie av läraresuppfattningar

In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.

Att inkludera hästen i behandling - vilken betydelse har det? : En kvalitativ studie om hur professionella uppfattar betydelsen av hästens medverkan i behandlingsarbete.

The aim of this study was, that from a view of professional's understand the meanings of including horses in therapy. In order to achieve the aim of the study, qualitative method was used and therewith interviews was performed with professionals who work with equine- assisted therapy. The professionals did also have an education which allowed them to independently treat clients and besides that at least five years of experience of equine- assisted therapy. The issues of the study was to understand the professionals? view of the horses role in Equine-assisted therapy, which opportunities and constraints professionals consider that Equine-assisted therapy entails and also if the horse could bring something unique to therapy.

"När jag får ångest och känner att nu behöver jag skära mig, då kan jag gå till hästen? : En studie om hästunderstödd terapi som behandlingsmetod för flickor med självskadebeteende

In this study we have examined in which way the horse is used in Equine Assisted Therapy, and what effects the treatment staff experience and describes that the interaction with horses has on girls who self-harms. Our Empirical data was collected through qualitative methods such as interviews, participant observation and informal interviews with a total of six different informants, from five different activities with Equine Assisted Therapy for girls who self-harms. In the analysis we have assumed symbolic interactionism, a theory focusing on the human as a social being, where the self-image alters in the social interaction with other human beings. We interwove this theory with the Biophilia hypothesis, an explanatory model concerning human?s relationship to animals and nature.The conclusions we have found in the results are:Equine Assisted Therapy is a complementary treatment comprises both horseback riding and exercises which is not based on the horsebackEquine Assisted Therapy almost always involves three parts, the therapist, the client and the horse.

Hästunderstödd terapi - en hälsofrämjande rehabiliteringsmetod vid psykisk ohälsa

Hambert, M. Degree project in social work. Malmö University: Faculty of health and society, Department of social work, 2014. Equine assisted therapy is for many a yet unknown form of rehabilitation. In the current situation there is a lack of documented research on horses' involvement in rehabilitation and social work. Studies show that animals, and especially horses, can have a positive impact on human well-being, both physically and mentally.

Djur inom vården : sett från djurens perspektiv

Animal-assisted therapy had its large breakthrough in the 1960-ties when a psychiatrist named Boris Levinson discovered the great advantages of involving animals in the treatment of patients. Therapy with animals involves that animals are used in a systematic way, in a person's process of treatment. The most distinguished companion animal used within this area is the dog, but horses, cats, rabbits, birds, dolphins and the most common farm animals are used in animal-assisted therapy. Most animals that are to be used for this specific purpose need to be trained in order to maintain their physical and mental health, but also to minimize the risks for the people that are involved. Most studies within this research area are focused on the positive effects on the patients and less on the effects on the animals.

"Ibland hjälper han mig mer än vad alla ni i personalen gör." : Hur djur i vården påverkar välbefinnandet hos personer med långvarig ohälsa - en litteraturstudie

Background: Animals have been shown to have a positive effect on people. The nursing science approach says that a person can experience well-being despite illness. The positive attributes of animals can be used in health care to help ill people experience well-being. An animal-assisted intervention can be a form of activity or therapy involving pets (AAA / AAT) or horses (EAT).Aim: The purpose of this study was to elucidate how animals in health care promote well-being for people with long-term illness.Methods: Literature review based on fourteen original scientific articles, with both qualitative and quantitative approach.Results: The compilation of the results led to four main categories with two subcategories respectively. These were: Physical aspects with subcategories Physical well-being and Bodily functions; Psychic aspects with subcategories Psychic well-being and Reduced psychiatric symptoms; Existential aspects with subcategories Quality of Life and Safety; Social Aspects with subcategories Social behavior and Relationships.Discussions: Review and discussion of the selected method.

Animal Assisted Therapy : ett team i behandling och terapi av barn och unga

The main purpose of this examination paper has been to do a review of recent scientific and evaluated studies performed on children 0-15 years of age, treated with an animal as an assistant to the therapist/professional. The key term is Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Our focus has been to describe in what fields these kinds of studies have been performed, what the results are and how effective they have been. As a supplement to our study we have performed 8 short telephone interviews with professionals in the same field of occupation corresponding to the studies we have summarized. Our results concerning the studies show that there has been a positive outcome in the treatment of children and adolescents and AAT.

Vårdhundens effekter på äldres hälsa och välbefinnande : -En litteraturöversikt

Background: With increasing age follows higher risks of conditions and illnesses which can cause a decrease in health and wellbeing. A meaningful social environment can positively impact the physical health of older people. Dogs are increasingly being used for different purposes within health care and animal assisted therapy aims to improve people?s physical, social, emotional and cognitive function.Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of animal assisted therapy on older people?s health and wellbeing.Methods: A literature review where searches for academic articles in databases PubMed, Cinahl and PsychInfo were performed. The searches resulted in 14 articles which were selected for further review.

Sociologiskt perspektiv på Hästunderstödd terapi

I Sociologiskt perspektiv på Hästunderstödd terapi studeras hur deltagares upplevelser och effekter av Hästunderstödd terapi med någon form av psykosocial inriktning kan förstås ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv. Fyra artiklar som behandlar Hästundersstödd terapi analyseras med ett konstruktivistiskt förhållningssätt och en induktiv ansats har antagits. Resultatet av analysen ställs i relation till tidigare sociologisk forskning och sociologiska teorier som behandlar interaktion, kommunikation och relation mellan människa och djur. Resultatet mynnade i tre kategorier som står i relation till varandra. Kategorierna är: Sociala relationer, emotionell utveckling och identitetsskapande.

Vårdhundens betydelse för personer med demens

At two nursing homes for people with dementia a qualitative study was performed. The purpose was to investigate the therapy dog?s meaning to people with dementia from their perspective. Two women and five men with dementia were interviewed, everyone being somewhere between 60 and 87 years of age. All but one had previously owned a dog at some point in their lives.

Hund i vården : Fysiska, Psykiska och Sociala effekter av arbete med vårdhund

Background: Pet therapy has existed as a concept since 1964 when the American child psychologist Boris Levinson coined the term. Nowadays Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) and Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) are both recognized concepts, and with progressed research the science of pet therapy increases.Purpose: To summate the most recent science in pet therapy (therapy dog) research with focus on physical, psychical, and social effects.Methods: Literature study/review with descriptive design, research on 21 articles published from year 2003 and onward. Articles used in the study were chosen through beforehand decided criteria, subject to quality rating, and summated in an overview. The main results were summated and presented in similarities and differences.Results: The main result of the summation was that important results could be measured in each of the three fields of research. Physical/physiological effects: pain relief, differentiated results on vital signs, and increased activity.

Hälsofrämjande egenskaper av djurassisterad omvårdnad : En litteraturöversikt

Background: Animals are used in several health care areas and have been shown to promote many aspects of patients? health. Animals have potential for use in nurses? health promotion work. Nurses need a deeper understanding of the importance and health-promoting properties of animal-assisted therapy.Aim: The aim was to describe the importance of animal assisted therapy for patients? health.Methods: A literature review was conducted based on ten nursing science studies with both qualitative and quantitative approaches, which were selected after critical review.

Djur i omvårdnaden av patienter med ångest : en litteraturstudie

Bakgrund: Antalet patienter med ångest ökar och orsakar ofta ett lidande för patienten. Sjuksköterskan har omvårdnadsansvar att lindra detta lidande. Olika djurterapier förekommer i vården för att behandla olika besvär, till exempel Animal Assisted Activity (AAA) och Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT).Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken påverkan djur har på patienters ångest. Metod: Studien har genomförts som en litteraturstudie baserad på kvantitativa studier(n=12).Resultat: I samtliga studier framkom en sänkning av ångest vid djurterapier och i sju av studierna var det en statistiskt säkerställd sänkning. Resultatet visar främst en sänkning hos patienter som vårdas inom psykiatrin men även patienter inom den somatiska vården påverkades positivt av djuren.Diskussion: En sänkning av patienternas ångest visar att djur inom vården har en lugnande inverkan.

Therapets : animal Assisted Therapy ur ett etologiskt perspektiv

C-uppsatsen behandlar ämnet Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT). Författarens Syfte är att ge en översikt av Arbetsformen AAT samt teoretisk och vetenskaplig bakgrund. Övergripande frågeställning är: Kan husdjur/hundar användas som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete? Underliggande frågeställningar är: Vilka för- och nackdelar kan finnas med att använda husdjur/hundar som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete?, Finns det vetenskaplig grund för att använda husdjur/hundar som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete?, Vilka teorier ligger till grund för att använda husdjur/hundar som medhjälpare i terapeutiskt arbete?Metoden är en kvalitativ, explorativ och kombinatorisk översikt av material om AAT, bandet mellan djur och människa samt vetenskapliga resultat om detta.Teoretiskt anknyter uppsatsen till etologi. Författaren tar upp Darwins teori om det naturliga urvalet tillsammans med Lorenz teorier om instinkter och prägling, Bowlbys bindningsteori och Ainsworths teori om modern som barnets trygga bas.Uppsatsen behandlar hundens kvaliteter och fördelar som therapet (medhjälpare i terapi), nackdelar och fördelar med AAT som behandlingsform samt metoder för testning och träning av therapets.Mina slutsatser pekar på att AAT är ett bra alternativ och/eller komplement till andra terapeutiska behandlingsformer.

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